Bindu is a registered midwife and qualified pregnancy yoga teacher with many years experience.
Her philosophy is that pregnancy, labour and birth are part of the natural life cycle of a woman.
Her own personal experience of practicing yoga throughout her three pregnancies, plus the knowledge of midwifery lends a quality of depth to her yoga classes.

These classes are not merely about stretching and doing various postures & breathing techniques but also about guiding the women to a place of strength where she trusts her body and her instincts. Bindu is committed to creating a safe place where women can feel at ease with the tremendous physical, emotional & psychological changes that pregnancy brings about.

Often in our culture, the over medicalisation of pregnancy and birth can increase anxiety and fear in the pregnant woman.
Bindu’s classes celebrate the wonderful, trans-formative journey of pregnancy so that the woman can look forward, with excitement to the birth of her baby.